What the F(Stop)
What is an F-Stop?
An F-Stop is also known as the aperture of a camera. This is the size of the opening in a camera when taking a picture, and usually ranges anywhere from f/1.4 to f/36, with the larger the number the smaller the opening. Cameras usually come stock with a lens around f/3.6, and any lens below that cost more money, the lower the aperture the more money the lens generally costs. Having a lower F-Stop, thus a larger opening, allows more control over the depth of field of the picture and allows pictures to have a shallower depth compared to higher F-Stop lenses.
Basically, it means you can focus on something up close with the background all blurry, which can be very beneficial depending on how you use it. This is why it is very desirable for aspiring photographers (and professionals), because it can allow you to create greater quality pictures and can also broaden the limits the restrict you with a higher F-Stop lens

Recently, I purchased my own 50mm F/1.8 lens, which I believe has been very beneficial to me and has allowed me to create a lot of work that I previously could not. I believe that anyone could improve their photo skills with the simple purchase of a low F-Stop lens. The fact that lenses can be pricey is one of the main things preventing many photographers from going beyond what they believe they can do. The highly recommend to any aspiring photographer to save up and get out of their comfort zone, which many are scared of doing but it can also create very nice and surprising things. The book Art and Fear, by David Bayles and Ted Orland, often talks about the things that prevent people from reaching their full potential when it comes to any form of art. They say that "the dilemma every artist confronts, again and again, is when to stick with familiar tools and materials, and when to reach out and embrace those that offer new possibilities." This means that every artist at some point in their career has the moral issue of when to reach out and explore new things with new equipment, and when to stick with what has been working for you. I believe that it would be very beneficial for people to try new things and get out of their comfort zone, because most of the time you learn things about yourself and may in fact surprise yourself and produce work better than what you used to make.

I agree that a shallow depth of field can make a photograph great, but I also think that using an aperture like f/22 and above can make a beautiful image too. It all depends on the circumstances of the photograph and the viewer's personal taste. I also agree that trying new things in photography is important, because it can create many artistic photos and you never know when something will turn out really well! However, I disagree that simply buying a new lens can make a person's photography better. Most of the time, a photographer can still make great images with limited equipment. It's true that in certain situations, special equipment is required to create a particular photograph. But usually, buying a new lens is not necessary to make beautiful compositions, and buying equipment won't always guarantee beautiful images, either.