Monday, January 30, 2017

The Delectable Orange Milk Drink Extravaganza with Alex 😃: Orange You Glad It's Not Lemon?

Welcome back to Alex giving up on other things and just making drinks. Today we're going to make the orange milk drink, one I've been looking forward to mainly because the author says, "If you like the way milk sherbet tastes, you'll like this and the following drink" (Pinkwater 46). She had me at sherbet. Anyhow we're going to need:

1/2 cup orange juice
3/4 cup ice cold milk

That and our favorite equipment of a bowl, mixer, and measuring utensils:

I also had Donald Duck orange juice

So first, the book calls for us to throw it all into the mixing bowl surprisingly and I feel you guys can just picture an orangey milk so I didn't capture the moment. Next we need to mix that good-good until it's nice and fluffy. Milk and OJ can only get so fluffy by themselves so the process went over pretty quick. Then bam!That's all. This is why I love these drinks from the book because while I'm not the most successful with making an amazing one, they're made quite quick. Some things this has taught me is man, I can get down on a mixer and mix some stuff up which I feel is a great skill. That and I was innovative and took off the foam from the top of the drink and it was a lot better. This drink was really just a milk that tasted a little more orangey for fun but it was pretty bomb. I'm glad this one fulfilled what little I believed in it. Anyhow, my last drink is going to be another thick shake and I hope we can finish this off strong. See ya next time fellers!

Dad approved this one

Question: Do you like sherbet, especially the green, pink, and orange stuff you buy by the quart.

Pinkwater, Jill. The Natural Snack Cookbook: 151 Good Things to Eat. New York: Four Winds,   
    1975. Print.

1 comment:

  1. Drinks can also be difficult to make because they have a lot of factors involved as well. Personally, I enjoy sherbet because it taste like icy strawberry milkshakes. What could you have added to make this drink more sherbet-y?
