Monday, January 30, 2017

Piano in the Key of F(ern) pt.4

What do you call a laughing piano?

A Yama - hahahahaha

    I just got done with auditions for the Wiz and I am really scared for the results. And turns out basic piano skills really come in handy when prepping for an audition!
    The Entertainer is a very good song to learn, because it is slightly challenging, and gives you a chance to learn about syncopation. Syncopation usually occurs when accents are placed anywhere but on primary beats. But, it can also occur when accents fall between the beats in a measure. "This type of syncopation gives jazz tunes and Latin-American rhythms their distinctive flavors" (Leonard 62).

    While learning this song, I did struggle with the syncopations and how the music should sound. The book showed examples of how to stomp out the beats which really did help a lot. The Entertainer didn't end up being one of my favorite songs, but it was a good learning experience!

    How do you think syncopation can change how a piece of music feels? And what sort of effect does syncopation have on music?

Easy Adult Piano. N.p.: Hal Leonard, n.d. Print.


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